Contest rules

Appendix to the Order

«On Approval of the Procedure

for the Competitive Selection

of Applicants to the

International World Fashion Shorts Festival»

Dated 23.04.2024 №П2304/24

PROCEDURE for the Competitive Selection

of Applicants to the

International World Fashion Shorts Festival


1.1. This Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) outlines the guidelines for selecting applicants to participate in the World Fashion Shorts festival (hereinafter referred to as the Event). The Event will take place from October 3 to October 9, 2024. The dates may be adjusted by the Authorized Organization.
1.2. Films submitted for consideration (hereinafter referred to as Films) must meet the following criteria:
1.2.1. Feature, documentary, and animation films are eligible for selection.
1.2.2. The primary criterion for selection is that the film's conception and content align with the festival's goals, as published on the website in the World Fashion Shorts section.
1.2.3. Films can be produced in any country and in any language, but no earlier than September 1, 2021.
1.2.4. The length of the films must be no less than 90 seconds and no more than 300 seconds.
1.2.5. Films submitted for selection must be uploaded to Yandex Disk in MPEG-4 format with stereo sound.
1.2.6. Films submitted for selection must not contain any information or images that violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
1.3. Applications can be submitted by designers, brand representatives, directors, curators, and film festival representatives.
1.4. By submitting an application for participation in the Event, the Rightsholder or Producer of the film (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) grants the Fashion and Design Cultural Foundation “Fashion Foundation”, the right to use the Films without any time or territorial limitations. This includes all intellectual property within the Films, in all manners provided for in Article 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, including but not limited to:
• Playing the Films on various media (including film copies of any format, Betacam-SP, Betacam Digital, VHS; DVD; CD-Video, CD-ROM, and other portable devices);
• Distributing copies of the Films on various portable devices;
• Importing copies of Films to any country for distribution;
• Renting out copies of Films;
• Publicly reproducing Films using technical means (such as radio, television, or other technologies), including showing Films in public places or locations where a significant number of people beyond the usual family circle are present;
• Broadcasting Films, including via satellite, i.e., broadcasting Films to the public through radio and television;
• Broadcasting Films by cable, i.e., broadcasting Films to the public via radio or television using cable, wire, optical fiber, or similar means (including but not limited to MDS, MMDS, SMATV, LMDS, DSL, IPTV, etc.);
• Making Films available to the public through any telecommunications and other networks, including the Internet, such as screening Films on the «Premier» cinema service and other similar platforms;
• Retransmitting Films using any technical means;
• Technically adapting Films for use in events related to any economic activities of the Fashion and Design Cultural Foundation “Fashion Foundation”;
• Distributing copies of Films by any means, including rental, etc. (distribution right);
• Interrupting and combining Films with advertisements, news releases, announcements, logos, including running text, overlays, and other inserts, without violating the authors' rights to the integrity of the Films;
• Using Films in all ways specified in this Procedure without crediting the authors and copyright holders, including posting on any social media.


2.1. To participate in the competitive selection, the Applicant shall fill in an electronic Application form in accordance with Appendix 2, attaching electronic documents and links indicated in the electronic Application. The electronic Application is created by filling in the online form via the official website of BRICS+ Fashion Summit in the Internet information and telecommunications network -
2.2. Having received the applications, the Authorized Organization shall verify the compliance of the Application and the film submitted for selection with the criteria set forth in the paragraph 1.2 of this Procedure no later than in 14 (fourteen) business days.
The application that receives the highest final score shall be given the lowest sequence number, and subsequent sequence numbers shall be assigned to the applications sequentially in the order of decreasing final score.
If multiple applications have the same final score, priority will be given to the application submitted first based on the date, if multiple applications have the same date, based on the time stamp.
2.3. The selection of films for the festival is carried out by the Advisory Board, which includes experts in the field of cinema, fashion and fashion film festivals.
2.4. The Organization shall draw up a protocol on the results of the application evaluation no later than September 10, 2024. Each participant shall receive a personal notification of the results of the application evaluation no later than September 15, 2024.
2.5. The conditions of participating in the international World Fashion Shorts festival according to the results of the Competition and the order of relationship between the parties shall be determined by the Cooperation Agreement concluded between the Authorized Organization and the winners of the competitive selection. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or change the conditions of the Competition unilaterally with obligatory notification of the participants.
2.6. Winners of the competitive selection shall be granted participation of their Films in the program of the international World Fashion Shorts festival on a gratuitous basis. Any other expenses, including travel and accommodation, remain on the participant's side.


3.1. The number of participants in the international World Fashion Shorts festival is determined by the Authorized Organization. Participants will be the winners of the competitive selection, as decided by the Advisory Board.
3.2. By submitting an application on the official website to participate in the Festival, the Applicant must send the Authorized Organization confirmation of their consent and the right for non-commercial screening of their film at the festival site, as well as on social media and online platforms.


4.1. By submitting this Application, the Applicant confirms:
4.1.1. That the application serves as a consent to participate in the international World Fashion Shorts festival;
4.1.2. That the information provided in the Application is accurate and complete;
4.1.3. That the information in the Application doesn't affect the rights of third parties, including the results of intellectual activity;
4.2. The applicant confirms the accuracy of the information specified in the electronic Application by putting a check mark or other possible sign under the following: "I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided in the electronic application, as well as that I am familiar with the terms and conditions of the competitive selection."
4.3. Along with submitting this Application, the Applicant gives the consent to the processing of personal data to the Fashion and Design Cultural Foundation “Fashion Foundation” and Moscow Department of Culture.

Appendix 1

to the Procedure for the competitive

selection of applicants to the international

World Fashion Shorts festival

CRITERIA for evaluating the applications

for participating in World Fashion Shorts

Entry requirements for Applicants' Films
1. The compliance with the criteria specified in the Order of competitive selection;
2. The connection with the themes of fashion and cultural diversity, understanding fashion in the context of the city, culture, nature, the human body and relationships;
3. The ability to succinctly, using images, tell a story that is understandable at the emotional level;
4. The lack of standard formats such as catwalk shoots and direct brand advertising;
5. The content of films must not violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix 2 to the Procedure

for the competitive selection of applicants

to the international

World Fashion Shorts festival

(Electronic form)


to participate

in the competitive selection of the international

World Fashion Shorts festival

Registration number 001

1. Full legal name of the Company (indicating the organizational and legal form):
2. Company Information:
2.1 Registered address:
2.2 Year of foundation:
2.3 City:
2.4 Website link:
2.5 Company's socials (list all links separated by commas):
3. Film title:
4. Creators of the film:
4.1 Director:
4.2 Producer:
4.3 Composer:
4.4 Other Creators:
5. Country of production:
6. Film length:
7. Language:
8. Format (feature/documentary/animation):
9. Rightsholder:
10. Did the film participate in any festivals? If yes, then list:
11. Short biographies of all important creators of the film:
12. Film synopsis or brief description:
13. Order of Provision of Film:
14. Logo (vector) (add a cloud link):
15. Shots from the film:
16. Contact information:
16.1 Full name of the contact person:
16.2 Cell:
16.3 E-mail:

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